Astana, 4 September, 2024 – Kazakhstan is poised to address foundational pillars of our global international system once again, this time from the perspective of middle powers, with its inaugural Astana Think Tank Forum taking place between the 16th and 17th of October 2024.
Held under the auspices of the Astana International Forum (AIF) and organised by the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, this Forum will bring together directors of leading foreign policy think tanks, researchers, advisors, and diplomats. This notable gathering will meet in a closed academic environment to explore the strategic and diplomatic roles that middle powers play in today’s global landscape.
In the current geopolitical climate, middle powers face increasing complexities in navigating international dynamics, forming partnerships, and building diplomatic relationships. Addressing the polarised international system and understanding the evolving roles of these nations is crucial. By sharing strategies and lessons learned, middle powers can enhance their global impact, fostering a more connected and multilateral environment.
Expert voices will convene to discuss “Middle Powers in a Changing Global Order: Enhancing Security, Stability, and Sustainable Development.” The Forum’s program will cover five key themes: Foreign Policy, Economic Influence, Security Dynamics, Multilateralism and Global Institutions, and Emerging Challenges. These topics will be explored through dynamic panel sessions, roundtables, armchair discussions, and high-level plenary addresses, revitalising the conversation around middle powers.
Kazakhstan’s status as a middle power further reinforces the significance of this Forum, with its attending officials and think tank leaders well-prepared to lead comprehensive and impactful dialogues on their experience as middle powers, as well as the future challenges and opportunities they face.
Established as a focused extension of the Astana International Forum, the Astana Think Tank Forum promises a valuable platform for elevating discussions about middle powers to the world stage.
September 04, 2024
March 04, 2025
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March 03, 2025
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January 16, 2025
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December 23, 2024
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